Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Saturday was my best run yet. Seriously, I know my running career has only just eased its’ way into its’ 3rd year and by any stretch of the imagination I am a total newbie to the trials and tribulations of Ultra Running, but I don’t care. Saturday rocked! In blistering 90 degree heat (Fahrenheit) accompanied with no shade, very little water and an extensive amount of sweating, I ran 50kms and literally loved every single minute! I don’t think I’ve had a race to date where I can actually say that. 

Now when I say I, I mean my brain and body. For a change, the 2 were working in sync with one another. In hind sight I should have bought a lottery ticket as that’s a very very rare occurrence indeed! Instead of the usual:

Brain: You know you can stop and just walk, right legs?
Legs: Shut up Brain, I’m not listening to you!
Brain: Come on, just walk, you’ll feel so much better.
Legs: Ja, maybe you’re right, we’ll just walk until that next lamp post.
Brain: Or all the way home, that works too.

They sounded more like:

Brain: Hey Legs, this is kinda cool!
Legs: I know right, check out the view, it’s awesome.
Brain: You wanna speed up a little?
Legs: Sure why not!
Brain: You know it’s not as hot as I thought it would be…
Legs: I agree, check it out, we’re still going!
Brain: I see that, wanna give Road Runnner a lesson in speed the last 4 miles.
Legs: You’re on, let’s go!

This NEVER happens. Above the neck fights tooth and nail to be right whilst below the neck tries (often unsuccessfully) not to listen to the negativity and easy way out mentality of the brain. The fact that they became friends during a 5 hour run was both a miracle and a revelation. I’d like to think it was because I was exceptionally trained, well fed and hydrated and completely confident in my abilities. Bahahahahahaha! Now we all know that would be the world’s biggest fib! I don’t think I’ve ever been exceptionally trained in my whole life, for anything (except consuming bubbles, at that, I am a Master).  No, it was the revelation that I love running, no matter what the weather, the distance or the obstacles, it is the sport I enjoy the most. Don’t get me wrong, I have my bad days where I feel like all my mojo has deserted me; but when it returns, running ROCKS!

Thank you to the Marine for making me do it. To my favourite book in the world for reminding me that you can be as light as a feather in all situations. And to my Prince Charming for being at the finish line to watch his Crazii Redhead come in 2nd female overall! PC, you ROCK!


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