Tuesday, February 28, 2012


It seemed like a good idea at the time. To be fair though, they always do… especially in my case if you preface something with alcohol, I’m yours. I enjoy running, I especially like running races. So when The Marine decided to tell me about a race on our door step that would end in The Pretty, Friendly, Lovely version of Miami where there was beer and music, I was obviously ecstatic. “Count me in”, “I’m there like a bear” and so forth were the usual nonsensical however excited phrases exiting my mouth. Then I actually looked at the race and then I lost all blood flow to my brain and then I passed out and hit my head hard on the concrete. I awake from my apparent moment of madness with hope that, it was in fact, a dream. Alas, it was a true moment of insanity (however common they may be) and I was in fact running an Ultra Marathon in under a month!

So I told Prince Charming:

Me: Guess what?
Prince Charming: What?
Me: I’m running an ultra marathon in 4 weeks!
PC: Ummm… when was the last time you ran an Ultra Crazii?
Me: Ummm… 2 years ago maybe?
PC: And when was the last time you actually trained for an Ultra Marathon?
Me: Ummm… 2 years ago maybe?
PC: I see… and how do you propose to complete this 50km run?
Me: Well there’s beer at the end.
PC: Oh well in that; case give it horns!

You have to accolade the man, he does know me very well!

In the forthcoming weeks I have planned a very rigorous exercise regime involving drinking beer, I mean carbo loading, and going to bootcamp… the bootcamp part is proving to be slightly tricky. For my sins I signed up at the local Hell on Earth, I mean gym, and within five minutes it became clear I was ‘that’ person in the class. Having forgotten I was supposed to start on Friday, I rocked up yesterday.

Me: It’s me, I’m here!
Drill Sergeant: You were supposed to be here on Friday.
Me: I was playing hide and seek with my enthusiasm… It won, I couldn’t find it anywhere.
DS: Where’s your mat?
Me: Matt who?
DS: Your mat to lie on.
Me: We lie around in bootcamp, I can totally do this!
DS: *Sigh* how about weights?
Me: I think you mean weight, singular, and isn’t that a bit personal. Regardless, I’m giving you a heads up here, I will lie.
DS: No Crazii, hand weights, that you lift up and down to build muscle.
Me: Oh right… well I think I have a bottle of wine in my bag. Probably more than I can handle but I’m willing to give it a go.

Wish me luck Peeps, for you all know that I need it!

Thursday, February 2, 2012


A bit of running trivia/absolute drivel for all keen runners out there; and a bit of a cop out for me because I have, as yet,  not recovered from this weeks worth of running/gym and therefore all blood flow has been reserved for the sole purpose or resuscitating my hamstrings and convincing my calf muscles that fighting with the neighboring Achilles tendon is not a good idea. Enjoy!

P.S. While I think it’s a pretty amusing little piece if marketing/nonsense, could someone explain why its called Sports Bras vs. Speedos… do men really run in speedo’s???

Brought to you by Running Music

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Right, so… In an effort to adhere to one of my New Years Resolutions (a topic for another time), I have tried to simplify my life therefore my blog. I’m going in a new design direction and colour scheme to see how it fits. Comments are always welcome and if there is an over-whelming desire to change, I shall do so.

I promise to be back in action soon with witty banter and stories of general hilarity (often involving me being a total idiot), some sweat and spandex and of course wine and it’s accompanying sumo wrestler eyelids and jack hammer brain!