Tuesday, February 28, 2012


It seemed like a good idea at the time. To be fair though, they always do… especially in my case if you preface something with alcohol, I’m yours. I enjoy running, I especially like running races. So when The Marine decided to tell me about a race on our door step that would end in The Pretty, Friendly, Lovely version of Miami where there was beer and music, I was obviously ecstatic. “Count me in”, “I’m there like a bear” and so forth were the usual nonsensical however excited phrases exiting my mouth. Then I actually looked at the race and then I lost all blood flow to my brain and then I passed out and hit my head hard on the concrete. I awake from my apparent moment of madness with hope that, it was in fact, a dream. Alas, it was a true moment of insanity (however common they may be) and I was in fact running an Ultra Marathon in under a month!

So I told Prince Charming:

Me: Guess what?
Prince Charming: What?
Me: I’m running an ultra marathon in 4 weeks!
PC: Ummm… when was the last time you ran an Ultra Crazii?
Me: Ummm… 2 years ago maybe?
PC: And when was the last time you actually trained for an Ultra Marathon?
Me: Ummm… 2 years ago maybe?
PC: I see… and how do you propose to complete this 50km run?
Me: Well there’s beer at the end.
PC: Oh well in that; case give it horns!

You have to accolade the man, he does know me very well!

In the forthcoming weeks I have planned a very rigorous exercise regime involving drinking beer, I mean carbo loading, and going to bootcamp… the bootcamp part is proving to be slightly tricky. For my sins I signed up at the local Hell on Earth, I mean gym, and within five minutes it became clear I was ‘that’ person in the class. Having forgotten I was supposed to start on Friday, I rocked up yesterday.

Me: It’s me, I’m here!
Drill Sergeant: You were supposed to be here on Friday.
Me: I was playing hide and seek with my enthusiasm… It won, I couldn’t find it anywhere.
DS: Where’s your mat?
Me: Matt who?
DS: Your mat to lie on.
Me: We lie around in bootcamp, I can totally do this!
DS: *Sigh* how about weights?
Me: I think you mean weight, singular, and isn’t that a bit personal. Regardless, I’m giving you a heads up here, I will lie.
DS: No Crazii, hand weights, that you lift up and down to build muscle.
Me: Oh right… well I think I have a bottle of wine in my bag. Probably more than I can handle but I’m willing to give it a go.

Wish me luck Peeps, for you all know that I need it!


Scoleri said...

we should be doing the 100k....

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