Monday, May 31, 2010


Okay, so it’s official, all the talking about it and moaning about it and saying, phew, that’s miles away… is now right here. World cup is in 12 days! Which means, the completion of my most hectic, biggest, most amazing, frightening, enlightening and time consuming installation is due to be complete in 10 days! AAAHHH! I have completely by-passed the notion of panic and headed directly for the real of “What the F*CK!”. Breathing, thinking and actually planning and fulfilling those plans have become a fantasy that I can only dream about, Real life has hit like a ton of bricks and boy does it not give a giant shit about planning! The paperwork involved in organising something of this magnitude is tantamount to chopping down The Amazon, 5 times. Not withstanding the carbon emissions used to actually make the tree’s paper to be printed on and then, obviously THROWN AWAY. Does now one know how to read anymore!!!! Seriously!

Anyway, the point is I am now officially in for The Big Snmoke for 2 weeks. 2 weeks Peeps… 2 cold weeks of unpacking boxes, fixing skirting chips, re-wiring electrical points, making nice with suppliers and putting lavedar bags on pillows. It’s that time, finally… and boy am I EXCITED!!! In just 10 days time we will get to look back on this finished product and think “We did this!”. And not only did we do it, we completed a 6 month renovation and interior design spectacle in 9 weeks! Woo hoo! I’m going to be running around like a headless chicken for the next few weeks, excuse the lack of communication but I promise the pictures will be worth waiting for.

Happy Monday Peeps!

Oh, and BTW, for all of those who do not know, the Comrades was yesterday and my Running Family was superb. Well done to SuperMom, Running Mom, Adventure Queen, Sonic Hater and Eye Candy! I am so proud of you guys! SO PROUD!!!

Friday, May 21, 2010


Goodness, to say real work is getting in the way of the rest of my life would be a ginormous understatement. I haven’t run the whole week, gorged on pizza or even had a chance to read my candy flossy escapism. Getting to work and leaving work in the dark is reminiscent of living in London, which while I was there could be justified because of the wonderful exchange rate, but in CT it seems just ludicrous! Also, on top of everything I find myself waking up in the middle of the night wondering where the hell I am. The amount of travel and living out of a suitcase I have done (and continue to do) has made me feel more like a forgetful gypsy than a corporate woman. My once prized elephant memory has now been solely consumed with anything and everything surrounding work. The Chef and I apparently had a lovely conversation the other night after he came home from a dinner for about 45 minutes, cannot remember a thing. And I can’t even blame it on drugs… drugs are enjoyable, work not so much!

So for the time being I have said goodbye to my social lucidity and reserved what I have left for lazy/stupid/irrational/British/South African suppliers who seem to think “Rush Job” means “go and have a long lunch, enjoy a surf and pretty much mess around until after the due date”! Departing together with my rational sense has been both my patience and composure… Not a great skeleton left to be honest. And to add insult to injury, my body has given up all resistance against the always expected seasonal flu and succumbed. Pathetic!

So I’m afraid Peeps, this little pity party can’t even bring herself to say TGIF, as I’m back to work tomorrow and The Big Smoke at the crack of dawn on Sunday. Farewell Friends, Sanity and Lungs… I hope we meet again on my return sometime in June!

Monday, May 10, 2010


To digress slightly from the inane ramblings of the last few days and touch on a topic I know we all think about. Love. It has been a rather rollercoaster of a year for me in terms of love and the feelings and outcomes associated with this rather enigmatic and highly volatile emotion. The Cyclist and I broke up a year ago and I thought at that time that I would never in my life be able to breath or function again as a normal human being. The pain was so immense and consuming that to try and think of anything else was tantamount to being in the ring with Muhammad Ali, gloveless and without skills. To get myself off the kitchen floor (which became my safe haven) was one of the biggest challenges I could face at that stage. But I did. And I am here today, functioning and on the road to happiness. The lessons I have learnt in the past year have been hard, eye-opening and scary; but they have taught me about myself and how to poke fear and darkness in the eye with a teaspoon!

I have learnt to breath. One of the most fundamental things we humans do on a daily basis, but the first thing that becomes impossible when your heart is breaking. It seems as though taking in air when your brain has convinced your heart to give up all hope, is like trying to suck molasses through a straw. Although is can be done, the energy and concentration required to perform it is so extreme that your body just cannot do it on the reserve fuel it has just keeping you from stopping breathing all together. Breathing becomes something you have to consciously do, something you have to allot time to perform, otherwise the darkness comes and there is no escaping.

Time. I have learned not to wish time away. Not to say things like “please wake me up in 6 months when this will all be over”. Because it won’t, it will just extend the grieving period for even longer. Time is manageable and always keeps going. That’s its beauty, it is always moving forward and you can break it up into any number of imaginable segments just to manage. But don’t wish it away, each second that passes; painful, heartbreakingly agonizing and scary, is a second you can never get back and in that second that you wished away, you may have just wished away something that could make you smile.

I have learned to listen to my heart. She is always right and for as long as she is the one keeping me alive, I will listen to her until the end. My brain and heart are two very different animals. My brain is rational, she is structured and she performs her tasks with the cutting ability of a criminal lawyer. Her arguments are good on both sides, her research is always thorough and she does not live in the grey area. She is always right in a world of robots, non existent feeling and a flawless emotional justice system. I have learned that we do not live in this system; we live in a system fraught with grey areas and emotions. A world where emotion is what drives economies; greed, lust, power. My heart knows me; she knows every organ in my body; what they do, how efficiently they perform, and what makes them tick. She is the voice in the back of my head saying something that my brain can so easily ignore/rationalize/justify; but she is there and she does not desist until either she has been heard, or what she has said will happen has come to fruition. She is my guide.

Love is the one emotion that fuels all the others into being. It is easily translated into rage, fear, despair. It is the one each and every person seeks out to fulfill a need they may have. It is all around us on a daily basis; but always the most elusive to grasp. It comes in many forms, each unique to the individual, but often coveted under the auspicious that someone’s else’s can also been mine. It cannot. Love is personal, unique and powerful. Let it happen to you. Let it find you and fill you with the unimaginable joys and rewards it can bring. Open your heart to it when you are ready, take a deep breath in and thank the universe that you weren’t wasting time doing something else.

Love is… everything you think it can be and more.

Friday, May 7, 2010


Say it with me… Crisis Peeps, It’s Friday! Whoop whoop!

We made it. The disastrous nasty little week is over and we’re all heading for a weekend of fun fun fun. Thunder I know can barely keep her excitement in check because it’s GP weekend. (GP stands for Grand Prix for all those not in the know – including moi!). The Chef is pretty much in the same state as the Sharks and Stormers are fighting to the death on Sat (Go Stormers!) and I’m bouncing off the walls because a) I survived my first week back from leave and b) running a half marathon on Sunday where as opposed to a medal, you get a real live miniature tree! And c) have mothers day breakfast with the running family and mothers day lunch with the real family… so it’s a gastronomic fest all round!

I’m also due to fit some shopping in, some polite and elegant dinner conversation and sleep (bottom of the priority list at the moment!). Pint Size and Relax with Dax are coming round for dinner tonight to elaborate on the delectable qualities of wine cultivar and everything else that goes with those delicious fermented grapes we enjoy so much. Thunder and The Barman and joining the dinner on the basis that, although we don’t know how to talk about the wines, we certainly know how to consume them! And as is becoming to wonderful trend in my house, The Chef will be cooking for us all!

So a big cheers to everyone for this weekend ahead! And Happy Mothers day to all the mom’s out there who make our lives so special!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


I went for a run this morning. It was torture. Not the actual running bit, the bit where I had to actually extricate myself from the warmth and cosines that is my duvet and king-size bed. SuperMom and I decided we would run, last night. We also decided we would sms each other this morning to confirm said arrangement.

SuperMom sms: I can’t get out of bed!
Me sms: Me neither!
(both roll over and try go back to bed... the guilt eats away...)
Me sms: Right I’m up, your turn.
SuperMom sms: I’m up too, see you at the Pool!

Please bare in mind this all happened before the crack of dawn (5:25am), in a drizzly Cape Town winter morning. All clad in my winter running wollies (basically head to toe in thermal garments so that not so much as an ant could find it’s way onto any flesh) I meet SuperMom to find she’s in shorts. Shorts! Seriously! If you never knew why she was called SuperMom before, this is one of the very reasons!

So off we run into the sunrise for our 10km morning warm-up, to realize we’ve only run 8.5kms. Hmph! Hump Day is not going according to plan. On the plus side though, I do have a launch party at the new very chic “Twankey Oyster and Champage Bar” at the Taj Hotel… heaven in a shell and bottle combined!

                                                                        Cheers All!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Gees Louise, I wish my work week would go as fast as London went. I’ve only been sitting at my computer staring mindlessly at my 103 unanswered emails for 6 hours and already I feel like I’ve aged 50 years! I even received an email this morning to which I replied to about 5 minutes ago with “Good Morning”… The work Gods are not smiling down on me. Or perhaps, they are actually laughing manically at the magically replicating pile of paperwork and files on my once clear and pristine looking desk (I think it used to be brown… it was so long ago that I actually saw it, I can barely remember).

Anyway, onto the actual task at hand now, that being the glorious orgasm inducing trip that was London! Crisis Peeps, we had fun! Crazii was out in full force for the full 10 days, The Giggle Queen, Glass and a Half and The Actress kept me entertained for hours and once again, The Tate, Kew Gardens and the wonderful sights and sounds of London did not disappoint! There was even an exhibition on at the Tate by Andy Warhol… Cow Wallapaper! Amazing! (I love cows for all those that think I’m very peculiar).

I also love Trains. I have since I was an ankle biter and this has never changed. I love The Tube. I even love it when it breaks down or it’s late. It’s a train. Moving fast. Underground. In the dark. Amazing! I also like talking to random British strangers on the Tube. It’s freaks then out no end and they honestly look completely baffled and surprised, as if I suddenly broke into song and started performing Opera, in German! It was my daily goal to talk to someone on every tube I got onto, everyday. And if I managed to talk to 2 or more people, I could carry one over until the next tube ride when everybody looked chavvy and I didn’t feel confident enough to chat to the sparkling gel-backed teenager with a spiked neck chain and 3 missing teeth! The London Marathon day was a bumper carry over day… I think I spoke to the whole crew of St John ambulance (and made sure I never saw them again on the route) as well as all runners donning SA colours! Viva SA!

So basically the moral of the story is, I will definitely be back next year (as always, I never listen to my own advice – refer to the title of this entry). The ballot opened today and I have entered already. Fingers crossed